Det er nu kommet frem, at ‘Super 8’ ganske rigtigt er en Abrams/Spielberg film, hvor JJ Abrams instruerer og Steven Spielberg producerer. Og der er dukket en præcis beskrivelse op af, hvad traileren vil vise:
"According to various descriptions, the secret teaser arriving in theaters this weekend shows a pickup truck jumping a train track and driving toward an oncoming locomotive. Onscreen text: "In 1979, the U.S. Air Force closed a section of Area 51. All the materials were to be transported to a secure facility in Ohio … From Producer Steven Spielberg and Director J.J. Abrams … " The truck hits the train and both fly off the track. Sparks! Explosions! Abrams-style lens flares! We zoom in on one non-destroyed train car and hear something pounding the interior walls trying to escape. More text: "Next Summer. It Arrives … Super 8."
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