Joss Whedon har tidligere skrevet den fremragende The Cabin in the Woods, og nu er han i gang med en ny gyserfilm – denne gang med et historisk præg, da den foregår under 2. verdenskrig.
I et interview med Complex har han bekræftet, at han arbejder på et nyt manuskript:
“I’m in the middle of a screenplay that I am extremely passionate about, and I am going to be extremely passionate about it again on November 9. It’s definitely a departure from the things that I’m known for. It’s as dark as anything I’ve ever written … It’s a historical fiction slash horror movie about a time when the world was going insane, World War II. I got to tell you: I was in Germany and Poland doing research for this movie and I was seeing so many parallels [to the U.S.]. And I know it’s a shopworn thing to compare the orange guy to the little guy with the mustache, but you see things, indelible things in terms of propaganda, the state of the country, and the parallels are eerie as fuck.”
Vi kan kun give ham ret i, at Donald Trump minder uhyggeligt meget om Hitler i sine udtalelser. Det skal nok blive interessant at se, hvad han kommer frem til med sit nye manuskript.
Vi ved endnu ikke, om han selv skal instruere filmen, men vi holder øje med udviklingen af filmen.